AYF, Anglican Diocese, Amichi.

Anglican Youth Fellowship

The Anglican Youth Fellowship provides the youth and youth leaders with opportunities and resources for fellowship, discipleship, and worhip.


  1. To help in projecting the Christian principles and teachings in accordance with relevant provisions in the national constitution of the parent body, “The Anglican Youth Fellowship (Nigeria)”.

  2. To provide opportunities for the understanding and progress in corporate worship and private prayers: to enable young people to learn together the meaning of Christian faith and its relevance to the life of their generation.

  3. To lead young people to offer their work and leisure to God as members of this Church, in local, national and international levels.

  4. To give due recognition to the importance of fitness of body and mind, and the provision of suitable varied forms of recreation in all Christian Youth organization and groups.

  5. To help inculcate the spirit of love, peace and unity as enshrined in the Bible.